Ziploc Bag on a Flight Can Be a Lifesaver

Next time you’re packing your carry-on for a flight, throw a gallon-sized Ziploc bag in there to make your trip a little more comfortable. Airplane seatback pockets are rarely cleaned between flights, making them one of the dirtiest places you’ll encounter during your trip. We’ve seen people put used tissues, diapers, food leftovers, and much more in there.
If you still need a place to store your stuff and wish to avoid the germs in the seatback pockets, pack a large Ziploc bag in your carry-on and use it to keep your things without having to touch these pockets.
When the flight is over, empty your stuff into your carry-on and toss the Ziploc bag.
For a more eco-friendly solution, consider purchasing reusable bags and organizers specifically designed for airplane seatbacks. Also available are more advanced Airplane Pockets that offer improved storage and hygiene for your flight. Just be sure to wash them after using.
Remember to pack extra bags for follow-on flights or return flights.
Buy a compatible power adapter for your trip